Sunday, July 29, 2007

Année finale

So I move into the final year of engineering. It feels slightly weird and unconvincing as I still do not see myself even an iota of an engineer. Not that I haven't learned anything, but because of the strange feeling of being unable to picture myself as someone working in formal pants in a pretentious office. Three years have passed much sooner than I'd imagined. Last month has been busy with placements and now having a job has completely transformed my worldview. I'd have to reset my priorities, redefine goals and lot more. It means a complete overhaul of me as an individual trying to make something significant out of my career.

Placements actually brought in a lot of learnings. (not "earnings" as the meagre salaries these IT companies offer hardly impress our parents :( , unless it's Microsoft which has deemed it suitable to select only one student from our institute) They have boosted my confidence, (although a slight shock was there but it only helped me in the end!) and have instilled in me the gut feeling of believing in my own self. Interviews & GD's do not scare me as much as they used to do earlier. :)

The year ahead is going to be a great learning experience as a lot of things would happen!!!
Come what may, and I'm ready to embrace it!